ASRI, LLC - American Site Restoration, Inc. - A Veteran Owned Business

ASRI, LLC - A Veteran Owned Business


Welcome to American Site Restoration, Inc.

A Veteran Owned Company

American Site Restoration Inc. is a full service consulting and restoration firm with 32 years of combined experience in the environmental field.

American Site Restoration, Inc. in the News!!

American Site Restoration, Inc. was consulted by ABC Channel 7 News in New York City regarding the recent steam explosion outside of Grand Central Station. Please follow this link to view the full video and find out what Steven Gordon, Owner of ASRI, had to say about clean up and repair of the building.


Phase 1 Site Assessments, Phase II Assessments, Brownfield Sites, Hazardous Waste Management Programs, RCRA Compliance, OSHA Compliance, Expert Testimony, OPA 90 Compliance, SPCC Plans, Remedial Over-site, Wetland Delineation Studies, Environmental Permit Administration.


DOT / EPA / OSHA in-House Training Programs, Mold and Microbial Response and Remediation (levels 1 to 5), Blood Borne Pathogens, OSHA 1910-120 Training (First Responder 1 and 2) Hazardous Materials Technician, Hazardous Materials Specials, On-Scene Incident Level 5, 24Hr On-Site Emergency Response, 40 HR Hazardous Wast Site Operation, OSHA 1910-120"Unique Function Series, Incident Commander, OPA 90 "Facility Qualified Individual", Marine Oil Spill Response, US DOT/Homeland Security Hazardous Material Transportation and Security.

> Remedial Services

Soil Remediation, Hazardous and Non-hazardous On-Site Bio-Remediation, Oxidation and Containment Stabilization, Off Site Hazardous and Non-hazardous Transportation and Recycling via Low Temperature Thermal Desorption, Hot Mix Asphalt and Cold Mix Encapsulation, Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste Disposal, Chemical Lab Packs, Mold Remediation, Fire Damage Restoration, Water Damage Restoration/ Underground / Above-Ground Storage Tank Removal, Wetland Reconstruction and Erosion Control.

Article from The Traveler Watchman dated June 28, 2006
Solution Sought For Tainted Sand
By Erica Jackson

Cold patch that can be used on the town's roadways may be a viable solution. That's what Steven Gordon of American Site Restoration told the Riverhead Town Board last week.

Posted by  Tim  on  Tuesday, February 13, 2007


About Us

We are a company centered around protecting the environment and helping to expand the knowledgebase of companies seeking to keep their employees safe.

Corporate Profile


Steven H. Gordon, CRCM

Mr. Gordon has thirty four years experience in the hazardous materials remediation and in regulatory compliance as a project manager, waste operations manager and project management. Also Mr. Gordon has extensive experience as a Hazardous Materials, Safety and Regulatory Compliance Instructor. While a staff member of the US Coast Guard Marine Safety School Mr. Gordon conducted Hazardous Materials and RCRA/CERCLA response courses, as well as RCRA compliance and DOT Safety Courses in civilian practice. Mr. Gordon was also a member of the Atlantic Area Strike Team and participated in numerous oil spill and chemical incident emergency responses. After retiring from the US Coast Guard Mr. Gordon has managed all regulatory affairs and waste disposal practices for various environmental companies and several major oil companies. Mr. Gordon also managed numerous WMD emergency responses.

Over his career Mr. Gordon has gained considerable experience in all the aspects of the environmental field through the following positions:

Vice President of Regulatory Affairs
Regulatory Compliance Manager
Training Manager
Waste Operations Manager

Mr. Gordon maintains the following certifications:

Certified Regulatory Compliance Manager
Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Supervisor
Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Instructor
DOT Qualified Instructor
US EPA Certified Instructor
OSHA Certified Instructor
Incident Command Certification
RCRA Certified in 13 States
Certified Environmental Professional
Certified Compliance Auditor
Certified Petroleum Tank Ship Operations
Oil & Chemical Terminal Operations Supervisor
FEMA Certified Mitigation Specialist
FEMA Certified Radiological Emergency Specialist
US Fire Administration Certified Radiological Emergency Specialist
USEPA Certified Mold Inspector


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